Iranian women in Camp Liberty mark Human Rights Day


The participants in the rally wrote a to the UN High Commissioner of Human Rights ZeidRa’ad al-Hussein calling for taking measures to support human rights and international humanitarian rights violated by Iraqi forces with ties to the Iranian regime.

“After receiving the Camp Ashraf security dossier from US forces, the Iraqi government under Maliki’s watch staged six bloody attacks and massacres in Ashraf and Liberty, and imposed an inhumane medical and logistical siege.”

“During these assaults 116 residents lost their lives and over 1,375 others were injured. Seven residents were abducted, including six women, and 22 have suffered to death under an ongoing inhumane medical siege.

“We have time and again called on the UNHRC and other international organizations to conduct independent probes into these crimes and massacres. But unfortunately to this day no serious measure has taken place, and our murderers are still busy with their repressive measures against us.

One of the women taking part in this protest gathering said, “Despite the all the commitments the UN and US gave us during our transfer from Camp Ashraf to Camp Liberty, all being violated, today we are witnessing that Iraqi repressive forces have made this camp into a prison with harsh conditions for the residents.”

Iraqi security agents at the camp have during the past 44 days started psychologically torturing the residents by installing very powerful loudspeakers in the police station adjacent to the camp.

In their letter to Prince Zeid as chair of the highest human rights organization in the world, the protesters referred to Human Rights Day and asked for the following:

– Dispatch an independent delegation to investigate the six mass executions in Ashraf and Liberty by the Iraqi government and Iranian regime proxies in Iraq, and handing the perpetrators of these crimes to justice.

– Until the residents are in Camp Liberty, the management of this site must be under the control of an organ not associated to the Iranian regime.

– Lift the inhumane medical and logistical siege and respecting all international laws in reference to human rights and refugees rights in Camp Liberty until the resettlement of the very last resident from this camp


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