Iranian regime’s meddling in Iraq and plots against Ashraf revealed in ‎Brussels conference



MohaddessinNCRI – Fresh evidence of the Iranian regime’s meddling and crimes in Iraq was ‎brought to light on Tuesday, October 26, by the National Council of Resistance ‎of Iran in a press conference in Brussels. The revelations came just days after ‎hundreds of documents on Iraq were made public by the website WikiLeaks.‎

Speakers specifically pointed to Camp Ashraf in Iraq, where thousands of ‎Iranian dissidents reside, citing threats faced by the political activists in the face ‎of the Iranian regime’s meddling in Iraq and the gross human rights violations ‎committed by the current Iraqi government.‎


In light of the threats against the residents of Ashraf, the speakers especially ‎called on American forces to reassume control of the camp, saying that the ‎mullahs’ meddling in Iraq leaves no excuse to abandon such a responsibility by ‎Washington.‎

The conference’s first speaker and chairman, Gilles Paruelle, who is a former ‎president of the Bar Association in the French province of Val d’Oise, recounted ‎his experience during a visit to Camp Ashraf, northeast of Baghdad, where 3,400 ‎members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) reside.‎

Mr. Paruelle said Camp Ashraf harbors a network of humane and compassionate ‎relations, rarely found in the world, which is why the Iranian regime is terrified ‎of it and is using all its might to annihilate it.‎

Referring to the stunning evidence regarding the Iranian regime’s destructive ‎meddling in Iraq, Mr. Paruelle strongly condemned the crimes perpetrated by ‎the regime in neighboring Iraq and said the US cannot remain silent and has a ‎responsibility to put an end to it. The US should also not allow the outgoing ‎Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to unlawfully preserve power without ‎being held accountable for his conduct, Paruelle added.‎

Another speaker at the media conference, Mr. Tunne Kelam, a member of the ‎European Parliament, said he was one of the last people who visited Ashraf in ‎October 2008 before the Iraqi government imposed an inhumane siege on it at ‎the behest of the Iranian regime and banned further visits by parliamentary ‎delegations, lawyers and families.‎

Mr. Kelam, who serves in the EP’s Foreign Affairs Committee and the Iraq ‎delegation, is also the Vice Chairman of the Friends of a Free Iran intergroup in ‎the European Parliament.‎

He praised Ashraf as a society that engenders strongly established humane ‎relations. The Iranian regime is extremely terrified of the residents, he added, for ‎their political position and because they are an inspiration to Iranian youths for ‎exemplifying a future Iranian society that is liberated and free.‎

Pointing to the recent revelations about the Iranian regime’s role in Iraq, Mr. ‎Kelam said such crimes would be profoundly painful for any human being to ‎discover.‎

‎“We have warned time and again about the situation in Ashraf and now the ‎gravity of those warnings has been confirmed. We are reminding the US of its ‎obligations towards Ashraf residents, obligations which it cannot refuse.”‎

Mr. Kelam added, “At the European Parliament, we passed a very unambiguous ‎resolution on Ashraf, whereby the European people’s elected representatives ‎called for the recognition of the rights of the residents as protected persons ‎under the Fourth Geneva Convention.”‎

He added, “We are calling on the US forces to return to Ashraf and also for the ‎UNAMI monitoring team to be stationed there.”‎

Kelam added that this is a call not only made by the European Parliament but ‎also 4,000 other lawmakers around the world who have gathered to form the ‎Committee in Search of Justice for Ashraf residents.‎

‎“This shows that democrats around the world stand with the PMOI, which is the ‎main Iranian opposition movement,” he said.‎

Mohammad Mohaddessin, Chairman of the NCRI Foreign Affairs Committee, ‎also spoke at the conference, declaring “full agreement with Iraqi democratic ‎forces such as the al-Iraqiya bloc led by Dr. Ayad Allawi, who have called for an ‎international tribunal to put on trial Maliki, those who colluded with him and ‎other Iranian regime agents in Iraq.” This as an imperative, he said.‎

Mr. Mohaddessin said, “Unfortunately, the real magnitude of the crimes ‎perpetrated in Iraq by the clerical regime and the government it backs in ‎Baghdad has yet to be grasped. Although the recent revelations [on WikiLeaks] ‎only cover a period up to the end of 2009, our reports indicate that the wave of ‎crimes continued to take place throughout the year 2010 up to today.”‎

‎“Over the past seven years, the Iranian Resistance revealed more than 4,300 ‎concrete reports and information about Tehran’s meddling in Iraq and passed ‎over this information to the relevant authorities.”‎

‎“As just one example of these cases was the revelation that we made four years ‎ago about the names and particulars of over 32,000 Iraqi agents of the Iranian ‎regime who were on the monthly payroll of the regime.”‎

Mohaddessin added that the Iranian regime’s meddling has not only continued ‎to this day but has actually exacerbated due to the mullahs’ plan to pave the way ‎for Maliki’s second term as prime minister.‎

After citing multiple examples of the clerical regime’s meddling in Iraq, ‎including the smuggling of arms and terrorist groups to Iraq, Mr. Mohaddessin ‎revealed a document demonstrating to what extent Maliki has been serving the ‎Iranian regime’s interests in Baghdad. The document, dated November 11, 2009, ‎which was obtained by the Iranian Resistance from inside the regime’s terrorist ‎Qods Force, is related to the Iraqi prime minister’s office. ‎

Mr. Mohaddessin added, “Sadly, despite the existence of incredibly obvious and ‎clear facts, because of its policy of appeasement vis-à-vis Tehran and in recent ‎years due to President Obama’s decision to pursue a policy of direct and ‎unconditional negotiations with the regime, the US government effectively ‎facilitated the regime’s attempts to export terrorism abroad and carry out brutal ‎and systematic human rights violations in Iran.”‎

One of the most clear outcomes of this failed policy, he said, “has been ‎Washington’s decision to abandon its international obligations with respect to ‎Camp Ashraf, where 3,400 PMOI members reside in Iraq, and to violate an ‎agreement that it had signed with every single one of the residents, who are ‎protected persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention.”‎

‎“In 2008, we, the lawyers and jurists defending Ashraf, and parliamentary ‎committees called on the US government on multiple occasions to refrain from ‎handing over the protection of Ashraf residents to Iraqi forces, and warned that ‎such a transfer would act as a harbinger for the occurrence of a humanitarian ‎catastrophe. The US government responded by saying that the Iraqi government ‎has given assurances that it will treat the residents in accordance with ‎international and humanitarian standards.”‎

The revealed documents, Mohaddessin said, “clearly show that during the time ‎that President Obama has been in the White House, both the Iranian regime’s ‎meddling and the criminal conduct of the Maliki government have not only ‎decreased but have actually increased. Suppressive actions against Camp Ashraf ‎over the past two years, in particular the horrendous crimes perpetrated on July ‎‎28 and 29, 2009, the inhumane two-year-long siege on the camp, and the 9-‎month-long psychological torture of the residents using 80 powerful ‎loudspeakers, are examples of some of these destructive measures.”‎

Mohaddessin concluded that in order to successfully distance itself from such a ‎crime-ridden case, the US should take urgent measures, most importantly the ‎following:‎

• Ending the Iranian regime’s meddling in Iraq and setting up an ‎international tribunal to investigate the crimes of Maliki, those who ‎collaborated with him, and the Iranian regime’s agents in Iraq for ‎committing crimes against humanity;‎

• Removing the PMOI from the US list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations, a ‎listing that is part of the same failed policy;‎

• Reassuming the protection of Ashraf residents, establishing US forces in ‎Ashraf, and subsequently posting a UNAMI monitoring team in the camp, ‎and making efforts to expel Iraqi forces from inside Camp Ashraf in order ‎to thwart the occurrence of another catastrophe;‎

• Reaffirming the fact that Ashraf residents remain to be “protected ‎persons” under the Fourth Geneva Convention and must continue to ‎enjoy the fundamental rights and protections offered by this convention, ‎and also taking steps to lift the unjust 22-month-long siege on Ashraf, to ‎end the 9-month-long psychological torture of the residents and to expel ‎the agents of the regime’s Ministry of Intelligence who have camped out ‎at Ashraf’s main gate and southern flank illegally and solely with the help ‎and backing of the Iraqi government and forces.‎


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