Iranian Quds Force Sets the Stage for Grave Massacre at Ashraf

THE WIP – By  Shahriar Kia  December 4, 2011

Confronting the international community’s efforts to find a peaceful and durable solution for 3,400 Iranian dissidents including 1,000 women residing in Camp Ashraf, the Government of Iraq increases its pressures and conspiracies against its residents. By such suppressive measures and upon orders of the Iranian regime, Nouri al-Maliki is planning and preparing for a massacre in a larger scale through a fabricated and unlawful deadline for closure of Ashraf by the end of 2011.

Based on information received from Iran, on November 23, 2011, the Iraqi Committee, tasked with suppression of Ashraf, sent a number of mullahs’ regime’s intelligence agents to the military operation headquarters of Diyala province to give consultation to this headquarters for designing operation of attack on Ashraf.
In order to justify future crimes of Iraqi forces in Ashraf, they repeated already exposed lies of mullahs’ intelligence and said that the Ashraf residents hold weapons and plan to shoot at Iraqi forces. These lies are said despite the fact that the U.S. forces have declared explicitly time and again that the Ashraf residents have delivered all their weapons. Iraqi forces searched every inch of Ashraf on April 18, 19 and 20, 2009 with police dogs and announced that there are no weapons in Ashraf.
According to another report, the mullahs’ intelligence (MOIS) and the Quds Force have asked Diyala Operation headquarters to have a number of intelligence agents fly over Ashraf by helicopter to identify ‘sensitive locations’ for targeting them in the next attack and also for spreading leaflets over those buildings.

All signs indicate that the Iranian regime and its Iraqi proxies are planning for an unprecedented massacre of defenseless resident particularly women and children. Through stonewalling and obstructing measures, they are preventing the initiation of the UNHCR’s process to reconfirm Ashraf residents’ refugee status in a bid to set aside all barriers in the path of this massacre.

While the Iraqi Prime Minister is going to visit the United States on December 12th, residents of Camp Ashraf are calling upon the U.S. President, Secretary of State and other relevant American officials, along with the UN Security Council and Secretary-General and the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Iraq regarding a predictable bloodbath. They are asking them to immediately expedite the beginning of Ashraf residents’ refugee status reconfirmation process and to prevent a new humanitarian catastrophe.

Shahriar Kia is a spokesman for residents of Camp Ashraf and a political analyst educated in the United States, who currently resides in Ashraf, Iraq.

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