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HomeIran News NowCamp Ashraf / Liberty NewsIranian opposition calls on EU to act on Camp Ashraf

Iranian opposition calls on EU to act on Camp Ashraf

EFE (Spain News Agency) – May 25, 2011
Iranian opposition today demanded the EU to act to resolve the situation in the refugee camp of Ashraf (Iraq), where several thousand Iranians live and where there have been several clashes between the refugees and Iraqi armed forces.

On 8 April,  2011 thirty five people were killed and 300 wounded when the Iraqi army tried to dismantle the camp.


The operation became a pitched battle for the Iranian resistance, which the regime in Tehran considers as terrorists.

The President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, Maryam Rajavi, in a conference at the European Parliament called on the European institutions to take decisive action along with the United States and United Nations to resolve the situation at Camp Ashraf.

The Iranian regime accuses the camp residents of harboring members of terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda.

Rajavi also called on the European high diplomat, Catherine Ashton, to follow the Parliament, which was favorable for the EU to find a solution to the situation of refugees in Ashraf.

The Iranian opposition leader has suggested that the EU has the means to act under the principle of “responsibility to protect” with which, she said, “European countries have justified their intervention in Libya and Ivory Coast.”

For his part, a vice president of the European Parliament, Alejo Vidal-Quadras, has described as “unacceptable” plans by the Iraqi government, to move the 3,500 residents of the camp to former U.S. military bases inside the country.

“This would leave the refugees at the mercy of the Iraqi army, which, under pressure from Iran, has demonstrated a willingness to commit the worst atrocities on unarmed civilians,” said Vidal-Quadras.

Former U.S. general Wesley Clark, who headed NATO forces in Europe and was a Democratic U.S. presidency candidate in 2004, asked the Iraqi government to be investigated for the slaughter of Ashraf, as it is clear from the images of the clashes on April that there were Iraqi soldiers involved.

“I think I know a war crime when I see one, and I think that there should be immediate action by the International Criminal Court to investigate what happened in Ashraf,” added Clark.