Iranian dissidents in Iraq are in greater danger, Paris conference told

The residents of Camp Liberty and the seven Camp Ashraf hostages being held in Iraq are in greater danger than ever in the wake of the West’s nuclear agreement with Iran, former US attorney general Michael Mukasey has told a conference in Paris.

The United States’ was now desperate not to offend the mullahs in Tehran, giving Nouri al-Maliki’s regime in Iraq ‘a clear hand’ to launch further attacks on Iranian dissidents in his country, Mr Mukasey said.

He told the international gathering in Paris on December 7: “More than any time in the years that I have been involved in the cause of the MEK (PMOI), it appears that the fate of those MEK members who remain in Iraq is in the hands of the United States.”

But the effect of the nuclear deal had now left the MEK (PMOI) members in Iraq exposed to increasing threats to their safety from Iraq, Mr Mukasey said.

He added: “Never have the residents of Camp Liberty and the hostages taken by Iraq been in greater danger than they are in now. The only way their situation can be improved is to make it clear to the State Department and to the P5+1, to the United States Government as a whole that whatever happens with respect to Iran’s nuclear activities we will not permit the residents of Camp Liberty to be forgotten or regarded as an insignificant detail.

“In particular, we will not allow the United States Government to the solemn promise that was made in 2003 by the United States General in writing, when the residents of Ashraf were disarmed, that they would have protected person status under the Fourth Geneva Convention and would be protected.

“So whatever grand strategy that the delusional diplomats think that they are carrying out now, we are not going to permit the fate of the MEK to be treated as a secondary or a collateral matter or permit the residents themselves to be regarded as collateral damage.

“I pledge to you that because of the part that we were made to play in what happened to the residents of Camp Ashraf who became the residents of Camp Liberty, we are going to do whatever that is in our power to make sure that whatever fantasy land our government think it has escaped to in its agreement with Iran, it will not escape responsibility for the people it pledged to protect.”

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