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HomeIran News NowCamp Ashraf / Liberty NewsIranian dissidents have gathered at United Nations Square in Geneva to express...

Iranian dissidents have gathered at United Nations Square in Geneva to express their support for Camp Ashraf and welcome Maryam Rajavi

SRI, Italian Television in Switzerland, August 8 2011

For the first time, their leader, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, joined the gathering of the opposition in Geneva

The Iranian dissidents who have gathered from Holland, Germany and perhaps Canada have one mutual wish and that is the protection of Ashraf.

One participant says, “I have come from Holland. I cannot accept that the world sit idle and let the April massacre occur in Camp Ashraf, where 36 people lost their lives and over 350 were wounded.”

These statistics have hurt the feelings of the dissidents of Iran’s regime and they condemn the attack on Camp Ashraf in Iraq. This camp is located 60 kilometers from Iran’s border and the government of Baghdad does not recognize the refugee status of the 3000 plus residents of the camp.

Today in front of the United Nations building in Geneva, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the leader of the National Resistance of Iran, who has come to Geneva for the first time, addressed the whole world and stated, “I have come here to tell the United nations to prevent crime against humanity. Action has to be taken immediately and the residents of Ashraf must receive necessary protection. UN must be present in the camp and provide medical and hygienic help to the residents and an independent research must be carried out about the April 8 massacre.”
This rally has been organized by the families and relatives of Ashraf residents.

Another participant says, “We have been here for over 100 days and have only one request: We want the United Nations to protect the residents of Ashraf.”

These protesters will remain in front of the United Nations until their wish is granted.