Iran: Political prisoners condemn attack on Camp Liberty

Evin PrisonNCRI – The political prisoners in Iran condemned the deadly rocket attacks that killed seven Camp Liberty residents and injured 100 more on February 9, 2013. The political prisoners said “the news of massacre of our countrymen in Camp Liberty by the mercenaries of the religious fascism ruling Iran has once again reminded us of the Nazi crimes in concentration camps.

“The clerical regime rules thru massacre of the political prisoners in Iran and cannot continue without daily bloodshed,” they added.
The joint statement by the political prisoners said: “It is not a coincidence that the massacre in Camp Liberty is carried out simultaneous with rampant daily public executions in Iran. The regime is facing deep economic crisis, international isolation, and acute internal fighting and so finds executions and state-sponsored terrorism as the only way of prolonging its rule.”

The political prisoners stressed that “the recent revolutions in the region, and especially the Arab spring has shown that the life of dictatorial regimes has come to an end.”

Camp Liberty houses the members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Iraq. The residents were forcibly evicted from their 26 years home in Camp Ashraf with a promise of protection by US and UN. But 3,100 residents were cramped in a small area and in temporary housing units without any protection against rocket attacks which the resident had warned that would cause a massacre.

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