Iran-Iraq: OMCT gravely concerned by kidnapping of two members of PMOI



Geneva, 16th August, 2005 – The World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) is gravely concerned by the kidnapping of two members of the Mujahedeen e Kalq, Messrs Hossein Pouyan and Mohammad-Ali Zahedi in Iraq, on Thursday 4th August 2005.

According to the information received, the men were kidnapped by persons reportedly working for the Ministry of Interior, who drove them to the Ministry of Interior building in two separate vehicles. They were then driven away from the building, out of the back entrance, and their current whereabouts are unknown.

OMCT is gravely concerned for the physical and psychological integrity of both men who, as disarmed combatants, are protected by the 4th Geneva Conventions.

OMCT calls on the Iraqi authorities to locate the whereabouts of Mr. Hossein Pouyan and Mohammad-Ali Zahedi and order their immediate release.

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