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Iran / Call on the (Italian) House and Senate regarding Camp Ashraf (PMOI)

Rajavi appears at a major conference in Rome
AP Com –  7 July, 2011

Following the intensification of the crisis in Camp Ashraf and the international community’s attempts to find an urgent solution to this humanitarian crisis, today at a conference in Rome, the majority of both Houses of Parliament along with U.S. politicians and human rights defenders supported the solution proposed by the European Parliament.


This was announced by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) in a statement recalling that the Strasbourg solution rejects any relocation of Ashraf residents inside the Iraqi territory and called on the United Nations and the United States to ensure the protection of the camp.

The majority of the Italian Parliament has signed an appeal to “Urge the U.S. and the UN to help withdraw Iraqi forces from Camp Ashraf, to urgently hospitalize the wounded, to end the siege, to ensure an independent investigation into the massacre on 8 April, to bring those responsible to justice, to ensure the safety of the residents of the camp, to affirm their status as ‘protected persons’ under the Fourth Geneva Convention, to prevent their forcible transfer inside Iraq and to support the solution of the European Parliament.”

At the conference, Senator Lucio Malan presented a statement signed by a majority in the Senate as well as the supporting document signed by mayors of more than 1500 Italian cities.

Several figures made speeches at the conference held at the Chamber of Deputies, including Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Senator Emma Bonino, Vice President of the Senate, Irene Khan, former Secretary General of Amnesty International, former U.S. Senator Robert Torricelli, former U.S. congressman Patrick Kennedy, and Members and Senators Elizabeth Zamparutti, Anthony Pagano, Marco Perduca, Suad Sbai, George Bornacin, Paola Binetti, and Massimo Vanucci.