Indian trade union calls on Ban Ki-Moon to support Ashraf

NCRI – A national trade union in India with over 4.5 million members has called on the UN Secretary General to intervene to remove Iraqi government restrictions against the residents of Camp Ashraf.

The Workers Assembly of India (Hind Mazdoor Sabha – HMS) urged UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon in a letter to utilize all his resources to convince Iraq to acknowledge the rights of Ashraf residents as protected persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention.


Camp Ashraf, Iraq, is home to 3,400 members of the main Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). It has been subjected to many attacks and other privations by the government of Nouri al-Maliki at the behest of the Iranian regime.

“The Maliki government refrains from acknowledging the rights of Ashraf residents in order to provide the opportunity to security organs tied to his office to exert pressures on the residents,” the letter said.

The prominent trade union, founded in 1948, added in its letter, “Supporting the legal rights of Ashraf residents is a criterion for the rule of law, which is being demanded by all people in Iraq.”

Addressing Mr. Ban, it added, “Without a doubt, the role of you personally and UNAMI’s human rights office will be very valuable, significant and cannot be ignored when it comes to neutralizing any potential ploys in the future.”

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