German Solidarity Committee for a free Iran welcomes EP resolution on Ashraf

NCRI – In a statement the German Solidarity Committee for a free Iran (DSFI), which consists of more than 50 German parliamentarians, human rights groups and human rights activists, welcomed the European Parliament resolution on "Humanitarian Situation of Camp Ashraf.”

The DSFI urged the Iraqi Government to concede in a written document the full implementation of the EP resolution, otherwise to look for a solution within the international framework under the auspices of the United States that since 2003 has been committed to protect Ashraf residents.

The resolution that was adopted on 24 April called on the Iraqi government to end siege of Camp Ashraf (Iraq), in which some 3500 members of the main Iranian opposition group, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) reside in exile.

“The members of the DSFI not only promptly supports the resolution of the European Parliament, but also offer their cooperation and support for its implementation,” said the group’s statement published on 29 April 2009.

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