French mayors urge government to take Camp Liberty issue to UN Security Council

A French committee supported by thousands of French mayors condemned the December 26 attack on Iranian dissidents’ camp in Iraq and called on their government to take up the issue to the United Nations Security Council.

The Committee of French Mayors in Defense of Ashraf supported by 14,000 mayors strongly condemned the attack as violation of the Geneva Conventions and international law.

The mayors reiterated their “support for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq Nations (UNAMI ) in their efforts to implement a peaceful and lasting solution to the situation.”

“As a permanent member and current president of the Security Council, France must bring the matter before the Security Council. UNSC is the only body able to find a solution to the urgent problem of safety at Camp Liberty, including forcing the Iraqi government to provide minimum of safety requirements in Camp Liberty.”

The attack was the consequence of silence vis- à-vis the September 1, 2013 attack on Camp Ashraf, which took the lives of 52 residents, the mayors said.

“We ask that an independent investigation be launched to find the perpetrators of these crimes. Seven people including six women were taken hostage on September 1 and they remain in the hands of the Iraqi armed forces. We need these innocent be released urgently,” the statement said.

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