France Libertes calls for protection of Ashraf at Human Rights Council session



NCRI – A representative of the human rights organization France Libertés Foundation – Danielle Mitterrand expressed support for the European Parliament’s solution for Camp Ashraf Iraq during the seventeenth session of the United Nations Human Rights Council.

The representative of France Libertes pointed to a statement by the UN Human Rights Commissioner Navi Pillay on April 22, which said about the Iraqi army’s attack on Camp Ashraf in early April, “The Iraqi military were well aware of the risks attached to launching an operation like this in Ashraf … There is no possible excuse for this number of casualties. There must be a full, independent and transparent inquiry, and any person found responsible for use of excessive force should be prosecuted.”

 The representative said despite the strong call by Ms. Pillay, no independent investigation has taken place and similar calls from human rights bodies remain unheeded.

“France Libertes encourages the UN Human Rights Council to accept and implement a proposal offered by the European Parliament in order to resolve the situation peacefully, to prevent another attack, and guarantee the protection of Ashraf residents until a final decision has been reached.”

The representative added that France Libertes calls on the High Commissioner to send a permanent monitoring team to Camp Ashraf.

The legal situation of Ashraf must be acknowledged by the High Commissioner for Refugees in accordance with International Humanitarian Law, human rights laws and the Fourth Geneva Convention, France Libertes said.

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