Former Algerian PM deplores Maliki measures against Camp Ashraf

NCRI – A former prime minister of Algeria has said that the Iraqi Prime Minister’s aggressions against members of the Iranian opposition in Iraq take place on the orders of the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader.

In an article published by the Yemeni daily Nashvan News on November 1, Sid Ahmad Ghozali said, “The Iraqi forces who take their orders from the prime minister are acting at the behest of the Iranian regime.”


Mr. Ghozali said the control of Camp Ashraf in Iraq, where 3,400 members of the main Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) reside, was transferred in early 2009 to Iraqi forces, after which the residents were placed under constant duress and pressure by the Nouri al-Maliki forces at the behest of Tehran.

When the pressures and an unjust siege on the residents failed to succeed in annihilating them, “the Iranian regime started a campaign of extreme psychological torture against the camp residents, which has continued for the last 9 months.”

“The Iranian regime, through its embassy in Baghdad and with the cooperation of Maliki’s office, has sent dozens of Iranian regime intelligence agents under the guise of families to the gates of Camp Ashraf so that they can use powerful loudspeakers installed at the front gate and the walls to threaten the residents night and day with murder, hanging and execution. They are also praising Ahmadinejad, Khamenei and Khomeini in their slogans.”

Mr. Ghozali added, “The Iranian regime is on the one hand preventing the formation of a new nationalist government in Baghdad and on the other hand is releasing its vengeance on the PMOI in Ashraf.”

“It is no accident that the al-Iraqiya bloc and the PMOI join hands in their attempts to free the Iraqi people from the meddling of the Iranian regime,” Mr. Ghozali added.

“In other words, the democratic Iranian opposition is siding with Iraq’s nationalist forces in order to liberate the peoples of Iraq and Iran from the suppressive Iranian regime and the terrorism, murder and sectarianism that it brings to Iraq.”

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