FOFI condemns restrictions on Ashraf Camp


MEPs from all political groups call on Iraqi government to acknowledge rights of Ashraf residents within international laws and conventions

Warns that EU support for Iraq government should be reviewed if unjust restrictions on Camp Ashraf continues

This afternoon, Friends of a Free Iran (FOFI) intergroup at the European Parliament Presided by Dr. Alejo Vidal Quadras, the Vice-President of European Parliament and the Honorary President of FOFI and the presence of Co-Chairs of FOFI, Struan Steven and Paulo Casaca held a session. In this session, the latest developments of Camp Ashraf, the place of residence of the members of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran) PMOI) in Iraq was discussed and appropriate decisions were adopted.

FOFI, while expressing appreciation of admirable perseverance of Ashraf residents in neutralizing the plots of the religious fascism ruling Iran, assessed the international endeavor in particular the activities of "International Committee in Search of Justice," and parliamentary committees, and the "International Committee of Jurists in Defense ofAshraf" and decided:

1. It calls on political groups and relevant organs of the European Parliament to stay up to their responsibilities vis-à-vis the lives of 3,500 Iranian dissidents in Ashraf. This is an important yardstick for judging of to what extent the European Parliament adheres to principles and values that it is built upon.

 2. FOFI would utilize all of its means, particularly at the European Parliament to encourage the Iraqi government to acknowledge the rights of Ashraf residents within the framework of International Humanitarian Law, the Geneva conventions, and the principle of non-refoulment. The Iraqi government should revoke all the cruel restrictions imposed on Ashraf residents immediately. FOFI reminds that the way the PMOI members and Ashraf residents are treated is an important yardstick for Iraqi government on how it adheres to democratic principles and values and if the current attitude continues, there should be a review of EU help to the government of Iraq.

3. It will pursue from all venues the March 15 request of the "International Committee in Search of Justice" from President Obama on transfer of security to arrangement prior to 2009. FOFI reiterates that under the current circumstances, transfer of security of Ashraf residents is both in the interest of the newly established Iraqi government and is a need for the protection of Ashraf residents. This is a duty for the US, based on international laws, the agreement of the US with Ashraf residents, and the principle of Responsibility to Protect )RtoP(.

4. It urges the UN Secretary General, the UN Human Rights Commissioner, the
International Committee of Red Cross, the UN High Commissioner of Refugees,the UN High Commissioner for human rights and international human rights organizations to stand up to their responsibilities vis-à-vis the Ashraf residents. FOFI in particular views the ICRC the most competent organ, as the guardian of International Humanitarian Law, should play a more active role and should reiterate on the rights of Ashraf residents.

5. Once again FOFI reiterates that Ashraf residents are protected by International
Humanitarian Law and international law and any expulsion, extradition, or forcible transfer of Ashraf residents would be tantamount to crimes against humanity.

Friends of a Free Iran
Strasbourg, 25 March 2009

Note: Friends of a Free Iran intergroup was formed in 2003 and consists of over 100
MEPs from different political tendencies in the European Parliament.


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