Famous personalities call for harder line against Iran

Paris (dpa) – 28 April – Several famous figures called on the international community on Wednesday to intervene in support of Iranian dissidents in Camp Ashraf, a refugee camp in Iraq.

Peace activists such as Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel, the ex-hostage and human rights activist Ingrid Betancourt and former NATO commander Wesley Clark attended a conference in Paris to call for a tougher stance towards Iran, according to organizers.


In early April, a military attack again Camp Ashraf resulted in 34 Iranians being killed by Iraqi soldiers and about 300 injured. “This massacre occurred for one reason and one reason alone: to implement the orders of Tehran,” said Shahin Gobadi, spokesman for the National Council of Resistance of Iran, in a statement.

Almost 30 years ago, the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein allocated Camp Ashraf for the Iranian resistance during the war with his neighboring country. About 3,000 Iranians, 300 of whom have German refugee status, currently reside in the camp. The mullahs’ regime wants them extradited.

The conference called for the adoption of a resolution at the United Nations to protect the refugees in Ashraf on the basis of the investigations into the massacre. It also called for the recognition of the Iranian opposition.

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