Expressing gratitude to UN Secretary General’s Special Representative for Iraq for averting another missile attack on Camp Ashraf residents

Ashraf- breach of commitments, No. 3

NCRI – On Thursday, December 28, the Iranian Resistance issued a statement (Ashraf – Pledges Breached, No. 2), reporting that Ashraf residents had raised the firing of the fourth 107mm rocket attack on the Camp with the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative and the U.S. embassy envoy as a serious breach of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Amb. Martin Kobler and the Iraqi Government. The firing of successive missiles is intended to compel the residents of Ashraf to forcibly relocate under conditions set by the Iranian regime and to which the Iraqi government has acquiesced.

Reportedly, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards’ terrorist Qods Force has ordered forces under it command, the so-called “Asa’eb Al-Haq,” to halt the planned attack for Thursday “until further notice.”

Clearly, this delay comes following the SRSG’s protests to the Iraqi government. This is quite laudable.

It is noteworthy that during the missile attacks in the past three nights, the Iranian Intelligence Ministry agents around Ashraf, who were engaging in psychological warfare against the residents with or without loudspeakers, were taken to other locations less than one hour before the firing of the missiles so that they would not be within the range of the rockets. A couple of hours after the missiles were fired, they were returned to their previous locations to continue to harass the residents.

For example, during the third rocket attack on Wednesday, December 27, Iraqi forces took away the said agents at 7:35 pm. Four 107mm rockets were fired at 8:15 pm and an hour later, the agents returned and continued their harassment. This was repeated during the previous two attacks.

Secretary of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 29, 2011

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