Euro-parliamentary group condemns raid on Ashraf, holds al-Maliki responsible

Struan Stevenson MEP, Chair, Friends of a Free Iran Intergroup in European ParliamentFriends of a Free Iran strongly condemns the barbaric raid on Ashraf and holds the Iraqi Prime Minister responsible for crimes against humanity

Press release, 29 July 2009
Friends of a Free Iran Intergroup in the European Parliament which consists of a large number of MEPs from different political groups strongly condemns the brutal attack on defenceless and unarmed Ashraf refugees in Iraq which began yesterday and is continuing today.

In today’s raid, 2 PMOI members, Mr Hanif Emmani and Mr Hossein Mahmoudi were shot dead by the Iraqi police. So far 7 have been reported killed. 13 of the wounded are in critical condition but entry of doctors are banned. Nearly 400 have been wounded with over 30 detained.

Iraqi police forces are blocking all media access to Ashraf and preventing any direct media contact with Ashraf residents. This is an attempt to cover-up the crimes against humanity committed there.

This attack was carried out at the behest of the Iranian regime and its supreme leader Ali Khamenei, who is using it in a futile bid to compensate for his humiliating defeat in the face of the Iranian people’s nationwide uprising.

The responsibility to protect residents of Ashraf rests with the United States. Ashraf residents urged American forces, who were on location and witnessed the Iraqi forces’ crimes, to transfer the wounded to the US military hospital in Balad, but they have not done so. We urge the US government to intervene immediately to prevent more bloodshed.

Residents of Ashraf have announced that they have started a hunger strike and will continue it until the fulfilment of their just and rightful demands. Among the demands are the withdrawal of Iraqi forces from Ashraf, the release of those taken hostage, acceptance of Ashraf’s protection by US forces, the presence of lawyers and international human rights organisations at Ashraf, visits by the UN Security Council representative or Secretary General in Ashraf, the Iraqi government's compliance with the April 24th European Parliament resolution on Ashraf, and putting on trial and punishing the culprits of yesterday's brutal attacks against Ashraf.
Struan Stevenson MEP
Chair, Friends of a Free Iran Intergroup
European Parliament

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