EP veep: WikiLeaks docs show war crimes

Dr. Alejo Vidal Quadras


GENEVA, Switzerland, Oct. 26 (UPI) — The vice president of the European Parliament said documents ‎released last week by WikiLeaks indicate the Iraqi regime is guilty of war crimes.

Dr. Alejo Vidal Quadras, who is also president of the International Committee in Search of Justice, said the ‎actions of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and his subordinates, as well as Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary ‎Guards Corps and Qods terrorist group are “considered as crimes against humanity and those responsible for ‎them should be held accountable by the international community.”

WikiLeaks released 400,000 pages of documents related to the Iraq war Friday.

Quadras’ remarks were directed at the treatment of prisoners at Camp Ashraf, including allegations of ‎torture and other mistreatment of detainees.

‎”The exposed documents reveal that the U.S. government knew in detail about the political, military and ‎terrorist interventions of the Iranian regime in Iraq,” Quadras charged, citing Saturday’s New York Times ‎story that said the U.S. military had warned Iran was “gaining control of Iraq at many levels.”

In 2008, the International Committee in Search of Justice had asked the United States not to turn over ‎control of Camp Ashraf to the Iraqis, fearing a “humanitarian catastrophe.”

Since Barack Obama has been president of the United States, Iran’s influence in Iraq has grown even ‎stronger, Quadras said.

‎”The cruel siege of 22 months against Ashraf and the 6 months of psychological torture of the camp ‎residents must end and agents of the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence, who have unlawfully settled at the ‎main entry and southern side of the camp merely backed by the Iraqi government and forces, be sent ‎away,” Quadras said in a statement.‎

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