Dr. Ayham Al-Samarie – Plan Exposes Ashraf Residents to Risks

NCRI – In the international conference held in Paris on Friday, January 20, 2012 in defense of Camp Ashraf, Dr. Ayham Al-Samarie, former Minister of Electricity of Iraq from 2003 to 2005 made the following remarks:

I have to say thank you.  Well, I know always that you have energy more than any other organization in the world, for sure.  You know, this for almost three hours we get tired, we get tired.  You are not.   This is impossible.  [laughs] I like to start with of course salaam alaikum, I forgot that. 

And I like to say that we have to start saying something to make us feel good, because this is probably the solution for the next four months for the senators, down, down with Maliki.  [applause] Down, down with Maliki.  Four times.   Another, another one, another one, down, down with mullahs in Iraq and Iran.   Down, down with mullahs.  Another three time, down, down with mullahs, come on.  [chanting] Yes, with mullahs, down, down with mullahs.  Ensha-Allah down, down with mullahs.  Okay, it is my honor, Madame and president, for me as an Iraqi patriot and representative of (an Iraqia) coalition which is the largest parliamentary coalition, and the winner of the latest election  to be here today and express my solidarity and support for my sisters and brothers from Mojahedin-e Khalq here and in Ashraf.   And we, we consider them our dear friends and our dear guests in Iraq.  And we are, we are, as I say, representatives of Iraqis, not Maliki.  We are 91 parliament members.  He is—no, no, he cheated and make it 89.

Of course the subject of this conference is support of the peaceful solution for Camp Ashraf by the Iranian regime and its surrogates in the Iraqi government led by Mr. Nouri Al-Maliki, of course the current prime minister.  I would like to announce before the president of the Iranian resistance, the future president of Iranian Ensha-allah in the next five months, okay [applause] Madame Rajavi, before, before the family members of Ashraf residents and before the international conference, of course here, and the distinguished guests present here, that the plan to transfer residents of Ashraf has nothing to do with Iraqi sovereignty.  And has obvious links to an agenda of the Iranian regime, to alienate its opposition.  There is a public resentments in Iraq to this plan, reflected in the statement signed by 1.4 million Iraqis, which was published recently, the reality has been conveyed to the U.S. ambassador in Iraq and to the special representatives of UN Secretary General, Mr. Martin Kobler.  I am responsible for what I am going to say here.  There is no security guarantee for the transferring of Ashraf residents to anywhere inside of Iraq.  This is fact.  An American has—I’m American by the way also—America has to take notes for that. They are taking more responsibility, of course legal responsibility, to protect Ashraf people because they give them, they give them paper telling them that you are doing.  “Give us the weapons, you are secure.”  To include or to put them in Camp Liberty or any other one, this plan will expose the residents to unacceptable risk and degrees and dangers and jeopardize their rights. The camp lacks minimum requirements for a respectable life of these people, but if they want to transfer them as prisoners of war. This is considered a red line for us as Iraqia.  This is our own dignity at stake here.  We will not allow the mullahs of Iran to order the mullahs of Iraq to humiliate our values and our dignity anymore.  We all know that these things about PMOI (MEK)  is an unambiguous and explicit benchmark for (independent) of religious Iraqi political parties from Tehran.  All those who advocate expelling PMOI from Iraq do so to placate their masters in Iran and pursue an Iranian agenda, not the interest of Iraqis.

I like to say here because for the sake of the time, I’m jumping, I’m jumping here, okay, so I save you some time.  I would like to say, on behalf of Al-Iraqia there is four points I have here, and my people in Iraq.  First, setting any new deadline by the government for the expulsion of PMOI from Iraq is illegal.  The residents have, regardless of their rights to stay in Iraq, have agreed to transfer to third countries, and of course United Nations high commissioner for Refugee should immediately start this work in Ashraf to reaffirm the resident’s refugee status.  Second, the UN and UNHCR should in no way agree to the transfer of Ashraf residents to Liberty given there are obvious plans to treat them as prisoners and this location lacks the minimum internationally recognized standards, hence this is a forced relocation and a breach of IHL and the UN body should not engage in an illegal act.  If the government of Iraq or any other organization, number three, truly seeks a humanitarian solution away from hidden agendas, it will come to the conclusion that there is no more appropriate location than Ashraf to guarantee the safety and the security of its residents while the international initiatives are underway for their resettlement.  There should be stated the UN, U.S. and EU are ultimately responsible for the safety and preserving the rights of the residents.  I asked Mr. Ban Ki-moon and Secretary Clinton and Lady Ashton whom all have committed themselves to the peaceful solution for Ashraf to end their silence about Al-Maliki, invocation of the peaceful solution and to protect the rights of the victims and not the political protocols with the government of Iraq.

I have here, Madame President, I have a couple things here.  I would like to say something about—I’m going to sit down fast.  There are three, three things very fast. One of them’s about the arrest which he raised.  You talk about it.  But our actually our intelligence inside the country, we went, we check about all these arrests warrants or whatever.  I have some copies of what he did.  I have just example here.  There is no—the signature is very fake for the judge.  Usually there is name of the judge also, okay.  And also you can see the name is (Hammed Imam Ali).  He’s already died, 1991.  [Laughter] He’s still looking for him, this is Mr. Maliki?  He wasn’t even exist in Iraq, he was selling Sebha in what they call Zeinab whatever, do you remember that?  Okay, so the guy, he’s still looking for those guys, okay?  And there is a joke with all these.  The 121 here, I mean if we go over all of this you would see that those guys some of them here, some of them’s in Europe, some of them is not even exist in here.  So looks like it was given to him by our friend mullahs in Iran, and they told him just do it. And without even looking on the names, looking if they are in Ashraf or not, right away he make this warrants and he start looking for them.  And he is, as the prime minister of Iraq he went on the TV, and he said he has 121 and he will follow that action in April.  I guarantee you—well, Ensha-Allah.  He would never be there in April we are working on him hard now as Iraqis.

And I like just to say that he expelled also, in Iraq right now. He expelled all the Iraqia ministers, Iraqia ministers from the cabinet, and now we have a problem internal with him.  It’s a major problem, political problem.  I mean Ashraf and us, the same thing.  He is probably going; if he succeeds he will go on a war to clean us with you.  So now is America, U.S. [applause] all the world committed to help that, but U.S. had the solution, because U.S. has the treatment with both government, with this government, military treatment, and we are—they are put them there.  Maliki, who is Maliki?  Maliki would never be there, you know that, he would never be there.  The same way mullahs, ’79, the same mullahs stole the revolution from you Mojahdein-e Khalq, okay, everybody remember that.  But now they are in power and they give the trouble to everybody from Iran.  The same those guys they stole everything from us in 2005.  And I went to Washington, that time.  And I talk to administration over there to give us just—just give us three years more for the government of Iraq.  So, at least we stabilize everything and we make the people start believing in democracy little.  Well, they didn’t give us, they didn’t give us because also President Bush he was going with the timetable he put in.  But anyway now they have all the power.  I tell you, I like to say if American—if one soldier—where is the general?  If you—come on, just call, call the prime minister again and tell him get lost from there.  Yeah, yeah, you can do that.  I’m telling you—[applause] I’m telling you one American soldier, one American soldier he can take him because we—I’m talking now American—we put him there.  Now, we have to take care of our mistake over there.  I am with you.  Iraqia all us with you.  And we would fight all of us to keep Ashraf.  Nobody can touch Ashraf.  Ashraf now a symbol for us and for you and long, long live Ashraf.

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