Dr. Al shekhly: After court hearing in Spain, the Iraqi government has no credit and is incompetent for monitoring of Camp Ashraf

Al-Ahrar TV – July 16, 2011
Reporter: Mr Alshykhly, the Iraqi government spokesman, Ali Dabbagh, said that the (Spanish) courts rulings are not binding. It’s really not that compelling, but what comes may spread to other countries?

Dr. Al shykhly head of Edalat center in UK: First, let me emphasize that these courts rulings will be binding for those criminals who have been charged with. The courts decided and issued thier rulings, based on statements by United Nations and European Parliament and EU as witnesses, that they committed these crimes.

 Even the visit of European Parliamentary delegation to Camp Ashraf were banned. The question is why not let international delegations visit Camp Ashraf? The Iraqi government banned delegations, organizations, lawyers and journalists from visiting the camp.

They prevent everything. They even prevented fuel delivery to the camp.  You know that diesel fuel is needed to operate the electricity generators. There are hundreds of patients in this camp.

Reporter: There are conflicting statements about the withdrawal of US troops. Do they really sit back or not?

Dr. Al shekhly: Before I get into this subject, let me emphasize two points.
First,  after the court hearing in Spain, the Iraqi government has no credit and is incompetent for investigation or monitoring of Camp Ashraf. They are now legal enemy of Ashraf residents. 
Second, the Iraqi government is responsible for the killings and massacre of Ashraf residents.
We want the UN monitoring mission back to Ashraf to monitor the delivery of necessary materials for Ashraf residents.

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