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HomeIran News NowCamp Ashraf / Liberty NewsDr. Ahmad al-Alwani: EU plan for Camp Ashraf highly necessary, forceful relocation...

Dr. Ahmad al-Alwani: EU plan for Camp Ashraf highly necessary, forceful relocation of residents deepens crisis, violates international law

NCRI – In a letter to Catherin Ashton, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Policy, Dr. Ahmad al-Alwani, Chairman of the Iraqi Parliament’s Economics Committee wrote:


“I strongly support your position in expressing concerns about the threats facing camp Ashraf residents, and I believe that the conditions stated in the European Parliament’s plan for solving the crisis at Ashraf — based on requiring immediate withdrawal of all armed forces from Camp Ashraf, ending Ashraf’s two-year blockade, allowing access to medical treatment by the patients and especially those individuals wounded during the April 8 attack, and forming an independent international investigation committee – are highly necessary for negotiations to start.

I also believe that the idea of any compulsory relocation of Ashraf inside Iraq is an action the will deepen the crisis and will make it more complex, while such an action if  against international law and is specifically against the 4th Geneva Convention.”