Doors of Camp Liberty should be open to lawyers and journalists and they should be able to meet and talk to residents



NCRI – Whoever has certified the humanitarian standards and human rights and international standards for protection of refugees, in particular freedom of movement in a “voluntary relocation,” should appear before the reporters and residents and answer to them.

Upon the request of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, for transitional period of transferring power to Iranian people, 400 members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran at Camp Ashraf are going to Camp Liberty this afternoon.


Contrary to propaganda and hollow statements, the minimum guarantees have not been provided and nobody has certified the humanitarian and human rights standards in this camp. In decitful statements for propaganda purposes it is attempted that technical infrastructure such as the number of water faucets (with no running water) that a shelter technican has reported be depicted as meeting humanitarian standards.
The UNHCR has reiterated the need for freedom of movement of the residents and their rights to enjoy minimum guarantees for safety and welfare as asylum-seekers and “people of concern”.
Inviting journalists should not be solely for political and propaganda purposes and without access to the residents and not being able to meeting them and talking to them as it has been in the past.
Whoever has certified the humanitarian standards and human rights and international standards for protection of refugees, in particular freedom of movement in a “voluntary relocation,” should appear before the reporters and residents and answer to them.

Without freedom of movement, free access to medical services, ability to meet lawyers and without the Iraqi armed forces leaving the Camp Liberty, it will be nothing but a prison under the name of “Liberty.”

National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 17, 2012

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