Diyala council protests prevention of delegation visit to Liberty on Eid al-Adha

The Diyala Tribal Sheikhs’ Council expressed its protests to measures it describes as Iraqi forces’ actions preventing this council’s delegation from visiting Camp Liberty on Eid al-Adha, the Iraqi NINA news agency reported.
The Diyala Tribal Sheikhs’ Council called on the UN to recognize this camp as a refugee camp.

The Statement of the Council reads: On Sunday, 28 October 2012, a delegation representing tribal sheikhs, lawyers and jurists from Diyala province went to Camp Liberty to meet with Liberty residents and their clients there on the occasion of Eid al-Adha according to Islamic and humanitarian traditions. Unfortunately, however, Iraqi forces prevented us from entering into the camp and meeting with the residents.
 While protesting against Iraqi forces’ measure in this regard, we urge all international organizations as well as Iraqis’ awakened conscience to condemn this measure and ask the Government of Iraq to allow Iraqi lawyers, human rights organizations and tribes to meet with Liberty residents.
 We have lived with the PMOI closely and have experienced them for more than 25 years. They are political refugees based on international law and, in particular, based on Fourth Geneva Convention.
Moreover, the UNHCR has recognized their right to freedom of movement and this right must be granted to them.
We ask the UNHCR to recognize camp Liberty as a refugee camp so that no excuse would be left for the GOI, and hence the people of Iraq could visit political refugees.

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