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HomeIran News NowCamp Ashraf / Liberty NewsDáil Moves to Condemn Iraqi attacks, but UN intervention is needed say...

Dáil Moves to Condemn Iraqi attacks, but UN intervention is needed say MEP Higgins, TDs, Senators

MEP “determined to bring an end to the bloody slaughter of women and children”

Jim Higgins MEP has today thanked the majority of Dail and Seanad members who responded to his call this week to support innocent families in Camp Ashraf who are being treated inhumanely by IraqI forces. The European Parliament approved a similar declaration earlier this year.
Jim Higgins chaired a meeting of the Friends of Free Iran Group recently,  where he stated that the time for talking was over and the countries needed to get behind the people at Camp Ashraf.

 On 8 April 2011, some 2,500 Iraqi armed forces attacked the defenceless and unarmed Iranian dissidents in Camp Ashraf on orders issued by Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki and at the behest of the Iranian regime. This brutal attack resulted in the murder of 35 residents, including 8 women, and 350 others being wounded. A number of Ashraf residents were crushed to death by armoured vehicles.

Forced displacement of 3400 unarmed refugees is unlawful and in violation of the United Nations standards, international law and International Humanitarian Law. Any displacement of Ashraf residents from the camp to any other location will only result in a new massacre and bloodbath and must be vehemently prevented until a final solution is achieved.

Jim Higgins said “The siege on the camp must end and the wounded and patients must have free access to medical treatment”Mr Higgins, along with the TDs has called  on the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Madam Pillay (High Commissioner for Human Rights), Baroness Ashton (EU High Representative) and the international community to support the European Parliament Delegation’s proposal and act towards the following steps:

• The United Nations to assume protection of Ashraf and a UN monitoring team to be permanently stationed inside the camp, with support provided by the United States and European Union;

• Immediate departure of Iraqi forces from Ashraf, lifting of the siege and free access to medical treatment by the wounded and patients;

• Appointment of a representative by the UN Security Council to conduct an inquiry into the April 8th crime and to hold the perpetrators to account.