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HomeIran News NowCamp Ashraf / Liberty NewsCongresswoman Jackson Lee objects to Iraqi plan for displacement of Camp Ashraf...

Congresswoman Jackson Lee objects to Iraqi plan for displacement of Camp Ashraf residents

 “I call upon Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to ensure that the rights of the Camp’s residents are upheld. If the Iraqi government cannot protect the residents of Camp Ashraf, the United States must intervene directly to prevent potential human rights abuses and death." – Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee

Text of press statement published by the office of Congresswoman Jackson Lee on December 15, 2009:


Washington, DC – “Last week, the Iraqi Government announced plans to move the 3,400 residents of Camp Ashraf to a remote location in southern Iraq, from their home which they built over two decades. This relocation, scheduled for today, would not only disrupt the livelihoods of the residents of Camp Ashraf, it would also endanger their physical security.

“Although Camp Ashraf is halfway around the world, the conditions there affect Americans, including in my own district and throughout the state of Texas where some of my constituents have family members in Camp Ashraf. For example, my constituent, Mitra Sahrawi, has a brother who is currently detained in Camp Ashraf, and worries about his health on a daily basis.  I also know many people in Houston and throughout the state of Texas who were affected directly by the July 2009 raid on Camp Ashraf.

“I remain a strong supporter of H.Res.704, currently sponsored by over a hundred Members of Congress. This resolution calls upon the Iraqi Government to ensure the well-being of the residents of Camp Ashraf, and calls upon President Obama to take all necessary and appropriate steps to help ensure the physical security and protection of the residents of Camp Ashraf against inhumane treatment and involuntary deportation by Iraqi security forces.

“As a nation that upholds human rights, America cannot wait for this legislation in order to protect the civilians in Camp Ashraf.

“I call upon Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to ensure that the rights of the Camp’s residents are upheld. If the Iraqi government cannot protect the residents of Camp Ashraf, the United States must intervene directly to prevent potential human rights abuses and death.

“Camp Ashraf is home to approximately 3,400 Iranian exiles dedicated to the main Iranian opposition movement.  United States forces guarded Camp Ashraf from the time of the 2003 invasion until several months ago, when security was handed over to the Iraqis.

On Tuesday, July 28th, Iraqi armored vehicles rolled in to Camp Ashraf and brutally attacked the Iranian political refugees being detained there, killing four and seriously wounding hundreds more.  The attacks continued through Wednesday, July 29th and the PMOI reported that to date, 11 camp residents had been killed and more than 400 others have been injured. The brutal assault transpired in the face of assurances to the United States by the Iraqi government that it will not infringe upon the rights of Ashraf residents.”
