Chairman of Iraqi Parliament’s Economic Committee: Violence against Camp Ashraf residents is against spirit of Islam and against Iraqis’ ethics

 NCRI – Dr. Ahmad al-Alwani: “We condemn any violence against unarmed residents of Camp Ashraf. It is imperative for Iraqi government to protect them, because they are covered by the Fourth Geneva Convention.

The United Nations is also fully aware of this case. Such actions are aligned with neither the spirit of Islam nor the Iraqis’ ethics. These residents should be treated humanely and honorably without any political calculations or regional pressures. The international laws must be respected in treating them.”

“The other issue is in regards to the American forces who were previously in charge of Camp Ashraf protection. They should pay attention to this fact, as it is the duty of the Iraqi government to stop any violence, military actions, or any use of force against residents of Camp Ashraf.”

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