Canada’s Kilgour: Martin Kobler must be brought to Justice

NCRI – The United Nations envoy to Iraq has left a legacy of ‘lies, deception and distrust’ as he quits his post, and abandoned the residents of Camp Liberty to increasing danger, leading Canadian rights activist David Kilgour has declared.

In a strongly-worded letter to UN Secretary-General Ban-Ki Moon, Mr Kilgour accused Kobler of ‘biased, deceptive and misleading reports’ about the fate of the Iranian dissidents in Iraq.

He wrote: “As Mr. Kobler is preparing to leave Iraq, we are deeply troubled that he has left a legacy of lies, deception and distrust for the UN and its involvement in that country.

“Although we hope his departure would mark a shift in the perception of Iraqi people and the residents of Camp Liberty about the negative role he had played, his recent remarks only adds fuel to the fire that he only tries to appease the Maliki government and his backers in Iran by trampling over the values of the United Nations.

“We are not going to recount issues that we have brought to your attention in our communication with you and other relevant UN agencies with respect to Martin Kobler’s biased, deceptive and misleading reports and statements from the onset of his mission. Nevertheless, to set the record straight and to urge Your Excellency to distance yourself from these misleading reports, we are writing about some of the most detrimental actions and statements by Kobler, that has led to many lost lives.”

He also accused Kobler of neglecting the most basic humanitarian standards for the residents of Liberty, adding: “He misled the residents of Ashraf to accept going to Camp Liberty, which he described as meeting international humanitarian and human rights standards, as a temporary facility before their resettlement in third countries.

“His promises that Liberty was more secure were simply hollow. Three missile attacks on the Camp proved the opposite. Eighteen months into this process and so far only close to 70 people have been relocated outside Iraq. He is also lying that residents are not cooperating for their resettlement.

“This is a shameful stance by a UN official that deserves to be brought to justice. Complicity in crimes and blaming the victims on baseless grounds shall not be tolerated.

“You should dissociate yourself from these hateful statements by your representative. Do not allow Kobler to set the stage for another bloodshed in Liberty or Ashraf, and to repeat his shameful propaganda for Maliki and his backers in the Iranian regime in the Security Council.

“We urge you to allow a representative of the residents of Ashraf and Liberty, who have lost ten of their fellow residents due to Kobler’s actions, to speak at the Security Council, should Martin Kobler be allowed to report on the situation.

“We strongly support the call for Martin Kobler to be brought to Justice in an unbiased independent international tribunal.”

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