Wednesday, July 17, 2024


In a long and detailed letter to the United Nations Undersecretary for Political Affairs, Camp Liberty residents and their representative, explained their bitter and painful experience with Martin Kobler, the UN representative in Iraq, and outlined their demands for securing their lives against further attacks.

Camp Liberty in Iraq that houses some 3,100 Iranian refugees was target of a deadly missile attack on February 9 which killed eight residents and injured 100 more. The threats of more attacks continue while the camp lacks any protective facility.

 The letter dated March 8 and carries over 180 pages of attachments including video and pictures, was provided to this website on Friday.

The 24 page letter by Mr. Mohammad Mohaddessin, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance and Representative of Ashraf and Liberty residents outside Iraq is addressed to Ambassador Jeffrey Feltman, United Nations Undersecretary for Political Affairs.

The letter concluded with making four demands:

1. According to the agreement that the United States signed with every resident of Ashraf and Liberty to provide them with protection until their final disposition in return for their weapons, the US should transfer all the residents to the US, even if it meant to be on a temporary basis.
2. If the United States does not want to meet its responsibility in this regard, the UN must relocate all Liberty residents to Ashraf immediately without delay for their protection. They can then be transferred from Ashraf to third countries. There is relatively more security in Ashraf.

3. Please note that in both solutions there are two essential and vital elements: the solution must respond to the urgency of the situation and must cover all the residents without any exception. We will no longer waste time with Kobler as it constitutes to welcoming another massacre.

4. UN must condemn Mr. and Mrs. Kobler for trading with the lives of human beings and their political conspiracy to annihilate the Iranian opposition in the interest of the religious fascism ruling Iran. Martin Kobler must be dismissed and a new competent and impartial representative should be assigned to deal with Ashraf and Liberty dossier. The Security Council must make an impartial investigation into his practices over the past year and a half.

The letter states that: “Ashraf and Liberty residents and their families and friends and generally Iranian community, are seriously protesting Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s trust in the UN and Kobler in the course of the transfer to Liberty.”

“Mrs. Rajavi in her speech in Geneva on 27 February said the UN is the body to follow up on many complaints, and now that we have complaints against the UN envoy in Iraq, to what body are we to refer?”

Addressing Ambassador Feltman the letter said: “We hoped the Secretary-General would follow up on this issue. However, your response on behalf of the Secretary-General was rather shocking and disturbing. Of course, we are familiar with Kobler’s cheap policy of obtaining supportive letters to justify and cloak his criminal role. He had previously resorted to such methods on numerous occasions with Ambassador Dan Fried, and he had mistakenly – due to his excessive haste – sent us his request for a supportive letter to use as a pressure lever against us.”

Citing extensive international support for the transfer of residents back to Ashraf the letter adds: ” Any logical person and conscientious politician familiar with the situation of camps Ashraf and Liberty residents would not hesitate that after the February 9 attack, the residents must be returned to Ashraf.”

Click here to read the text of the letter