Camp Liberty residents demand UN prohibit Martin Kobler interfering in their affairs

NCRI – Camp Liberty residents have written to the United Nations Secretary General telling him his envoy Martin Kobler paved the way for the massacre of Liberty residents by colluding with the Iraq and the Iranian regime.

In a strongly-worded letter to Ban Ki-Moon, the more than 3,000 dissidents at the camp said Kobler was ‘destructive and dishonest’ and should stop interfering in their affairs.

And they warned that if Kobler was not removed from his role at Camp Liberty, more lives would be lost.

The letter said: “We, the residents of Camp Liberty are writing this letter to officially request from you to prohibit Martin Kobler in interfering in any aspect of our affairs.

“There is ample evidence that he is cooperating with the dictatorship in Iran on our file, we have no trust in him.

“Contrary to United Nations’ principles, he blatantly sides with the Iraqi government and his collusion with this government has paved the way for imposing pressure and suppressing us, as well as our massacre.

“Mr Kobler played an extremely destructive role during our forcible eviction from Ashraf to Camp Liberty. He deceived us with his bogus promises.

“And presently, he has resorted to disseminating falsities against the residents to cover up his role in this forcible eviction and also the February 9 attack which resulted in murder of eight and wounding of 100

“His objective is to prepare the ground for another slaughter. Mr Kobler’s destructive role should be terminated. He should face justice.”

The letter said that the UNHCR declared on December 13, 2012, that all Liberty residents were recognized as asylum-seekers, but enjoy none of the security that that status demands.

It added: “We are in danger of further missile attacks and Government of Iraq has officially turned down providing essential minimum security requirements in this camp.

“We are requesting from you and the High Commissioner for Refugees that before measures by Mr Kobler in his collusion with Government of Iraq leads to another massacre, UNHCR assumes its full responsibility on all our affairs as political refugees according to its mandate and that UNAMI is completely put aside from this file.

“We are also requesting that until our resettlement, we are transferred to Camp Ashraf where we enjoy relatively better security.”


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