Camp Liberty in pictures

Road condition in Camp Liberty

In the absence of paved tracks and road-ways inside the camp, the daily functions virtually halted after the first torrential rain.



Poor drainage system has interrupted vehicle and on foot travel



Sanitary Issues

It is more than two months that the GoI has banned a contract operated insecticide to en-ter the camp. Black water ponds due to leakage, insects, rats and poor water drainage all have heightened the unresolved sanitary issues.

Lack of recreational facilities and play grounds in Camp Liberty:

Crammed spaces inside the camp has forced the camp residents to prepare mini-soccer fields. GoI bans the entry of heavy equipment and machinery. A field prep-aration takes more than 1500 man hours including digging adjacent corners for 25m3 of dirt to compact it over the gravel and sub based surface of the camp. All done virtually bare-handed.



Poor and unsound Infrastructure

What is left of the still running power generators inside the camp are all over 15000 engine hours working time, which is well passed their with-drawal or over-haul period. This condition has caused continuous power failures for the residents in the cold season added to high foreign imported generator fuel which has forced scheduled working time and minimum load distribution. Fatigued PVC Water network and pumps cause over the surface spillage which has expanded the already existing black water ponds scattered all over liberty due to either corrosion and ruptures on the body or GoI harassments of black water tanker drivers.


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