Camp Ashraf Residents Invite U.S. To Inspect The Camp Without Delay

US military commanders reject claims by State Department that refugee camp Ashraf was not inspected.

OfficialWire News Bureau  By Sammer Asar WASHINGTON, D.C. (USA)  17 May 2012
Lying has become a bad habit for Washington. Only this week at a federal court hearing about the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq -MEK, we witnessed a brazen and blatant lie by the State Departments lawyer, in order to keep the MEK listed as a foreign terror group (FTO).

He went further by saying the U.S. government has no way of knowing that the MEK is not a terror group since its members have never allowed a thorough inspection of the 15-square-mile Camp Ashraf. “They say that they have turned over a new leaf, but that has never been verified by the US military,” Mr. Loeb said.

The residents of the Camp in a press release called the governments’ bluff and “invited” a full inspection by the US State Department of the Camp;

“If this invitation is not accepted it clearly shows that the mentioned remark by the governments’ solicitor is an unjustifiable excuse, simultaneous with the nuclear negotiations, to appease the mullahs’ regime. The residents are prepared to provide all necessary facilities, at their own cost, for the entire US forces throughout inspection”

At the oral hearing of in the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, considering the petition by the MEK for a writ of mandamus regarding the State Department’s failure to decide on the FTO designation of the group, the governments’ solicitor claimed the US had not had the opportunity to inspect Camp Ashraf. This official aver put the US State Departments “intentions” in dragging feet in de-listing the group in an embarrassing position.

In May 2003, the CENTCOM had issued a statement that the group MEK, had handed over all its weapons to the US Army. Consequently, General Odierno stated that the MEK had “been completely disarmed’” confirming “all small arms and all heavy equipment” had been taken.

Advertise with OfficialWireIn a joint statement, Brigadier Gen. David Phillips, former commander of all police operations in Iraq including the protection of Camp Ashraf until 2006; Colonel Wesley Martin ,former senior antiterrorism/force protection officer for all coalition forces in Iraq and the first colonel in command of Camp Ashraf in 2006, and Lt. Col. Leo McCloskey, former commander of Joint Interagency Task Force at Camp Ashraf until January 2009, described the remarks by the State Department attorney as “absurd” and a “denigration of the admirable work of thousands of American service-people who protected Camp Ashraf and verified its inhabitants were unarmed.”

They said the camp was repeatedly inspected without hindrance and no ammunition, nor any plans or intentions to acquire weapons or use violence were detected.

In April 2009, Iraqi forces used bomb-sniffing dogs to conduct an inch-by-inch search of the camp and released a written certificate of the result: no arms were recovered.

The remarkably unprofessional comments by the US government attorney comes as no surprise to buy time for the administration in its stale policy with the ayatollahs, to enchain the main opposition under an illegal “FTO” listing during nuclear talks.

In total, 21 individuals – including more Ashraf commanders like Col. Martin and Lt. Col. Leo McCloskey – have signed an amicus brief attesting to the fact that U.S. forces had complete access to all buildings and personnel at the camp and repeatedly conducted unannounced inspections.

The FTO listing of the MEK has provide the ayatollahs with the best weaponry against its main foe killing many in cold blood. 

The irony is that the one supposed to defend the truth and justice is the “perjurer”.

This bitter emission leaves us wondering and insulted simultaneously knowing that one is not insulted by accident.

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