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HomeIran News NowCamp Ashraf / Liberty NewsCamp Ashraf a challenge for Iraqi government - Jordanian daily

Camp Ashraf a challenge for Iraqi government – Jordanian daily

Men from Camp Ashraf flash victory signs as they go on a hunger strike during a protest against Iraqi forces in Camp Ashraf, north of Baghdad August 24, 2009. They will be on the hunger strike until the Iraqi government agree to their demands, which are, releasing 36 prisoners captured by Iraqi forces, the withdrawal of Iraqi forces and the addition of U.S. forces to the camp.NCRI – Camp Ashraf has become a challenge for Iraqi government to prove it is a democratic and respects human rights and Geneva Conventions and protects its sovereignty against meddling of Iranian regime, said Jordanian daily al-Arab al-Youm.

“Maliki government’s treatment of residents of Camp Ashraf, violates its obligations to international conventions, Arabic and Islamic laws and human rights,” the daily added.

Men from Camp Ashraf flash victory signs as they go on a hunger strike during a protest against Iraqi forces in Camp Ashraf, north of Baghdad August 24, 2009. They will be on the hunger strike until the Iraqi government agree to their demands, which are, releasing 36 prisoners captured by Iraqi forces, the withdrawal of Iraqi forces and the addition of U.S. forces to the camp.NCRI – Camp Ashraf has become a challenge for Iraqi government to prove it is a democratic and respects human rights and Geneva Conventions and protects its sovereignty against meddling of Iranian regime, said Jordanian daily al-Arab al-Youm.

“Maliki government’s treatment of residents of Camp Ashraf, violates its obligations to international conventions, Arabic and Islamic laws and human rights,” the daily added.

The article entitled “For how long the pains of Ashraf will continue?” published on September 14 issue of the daily partly reads:

Ashraf residents are members of the Iranian opposition group, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), who have lived in that city since 1985. They gave up their weapons to invading American forces in 2003. The American forces interviewed every individual and gave written guarantees to protect them according to the 1944 Fourth Geneva Convention.

It is clear that Nouri al-Maliki’s government violated the Fourth Geneva Convention to protect the civilians. Iraqi forces with guns, toxic gas and metal chains attacked Ashraf residents, killing 11, injuring more than 500 and took 36 residents hostage. Despite a Judge order to release them, the 36 people are still in custody by the order of Iranian regime.

The Camp Ashraf issue and hunger strike of their residents has drawn attentions of many international humanitarian organizations. They condemned the Iraqi government actions and called on it to respect international conventions.

Some of the political personalities in Iraq describe the action of the Iraqi Government a bow to Iranian regime which violates Iraqi sovereignty and asked Iraqi Government to recognize the independence of Iraqi judiciary.

The pain and suffering of Ashraf residents awakens all conscious minds. These hardships are a challenge to the Iraqi Government which claims it is democratic. This government must prove that it respects human rights and Geneva conventions and at the same time protects Iraqi sovereignty and its independence against meddling of Iranian regime in Iraq.