British MPs demand Iranian exiles be returned to Camp Ashraf

NCRI – The British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom demanded that Iranian dissidents in Camp Liberty be  returned of to Camp Ashraf and be given humanitarian aid.
Camp Liberty (Baghdad), which houses 3,100 Iranian dissidents, came under heavy rockedt attacks February 9 which so far has killed six residents including a woman and injured 100 more injured with some in critical condition.
Following the attack, Lord Carlile of Berriew QC, on behalf of the British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom said: “We should demand that the United Kingdom government takes immediate action to bring this matter to the UN Security Council and takes steps to ensure that the residents of Camp Liberty are given humanitarian aid and returned to Camp Ashraf. It is time for weakness to cease in the diplomatic approach to Camp Liberty. The Iraqi ambassador should be summoned to the Foreign Office immediately.”

“We should demand that the United Kingdom government takes immediate action to bring this matter to the UN Security Council and takes steps to ensure that the residents of Camp Liberty are given humanitarian aid and returned to Camp Ashraf. It is time for weakness to cease in the diplomatic approach to Camp Liberty. The Iraqi ambassador should be summoned to the Foreign Office immediately.”

Camp Ashraf was home to the members of  the People’s Moajhedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), in Iraq for 26 years and is 80 times bigger than Camp Liberty.

The  attack was orchestrated by the Iranian regime. Camp Liberty is located at the heart of a military zone and is not accessible to anyone without coordination with the Iraqi government.

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