British MPs and lawyers call for immediate return of Camp Liberty residents

NCRI – Prominent British MPs, lawyers and religious leaders have backed calls from Iranian Resistance president-elect Maryam Rajavi for swift action to move highly vulnerable Camp Liberty residents back to Camp Ashraf.

A conference on Iran at Britain’s House of Commons watched a video message from Mrs Rajavi, in which she said the issue of insecurity at Camp Liberty was now ‘urgent and immediate’ following the February 9 attack which left seven dead and more than 100 injured.

A group close to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki and backed by Iranian regime claimed carried out the rocket attack, and the group has publicly threatened to carry out further attacks.

Mrs Rajavi told the conference: “This crime was carried out with the complicity of the Iraqi government. The UN Secretary General’s Special Representative in Iraq was either silent or facilitated this attack.

“Protecting the residents of Liberty is the responsibility of the world community, especially the British Government, which welcomed and supported the transfer of the Ashrafis to Camp Liberty. It must assume its share of responsibility.”

Speakers at the conference called ‘Iranian Women – the Force for Democratic Change in Iran in 2013’ all agreed Liberty residents must now be urgently transferred out of Liberty to Ashraf or safe third countries.

Baroness Lister of Burtersett told the meeting: “The barbaric acts of the Iranian regime not only affect the good people of Iran but must be a concern to us all.

“We owe it to ourselves and to the courageous residents of camps Ashraf and Liberty, who are carrying the flame of freedom for the good people of Iran, to show the world that change is possible and it is really worth fighting for. We must stand in solidarity with the brave women of Iran.”

Linda Lee, former President of the Law Society of England and Wales, said: “The Law Society is committed to seek protection for the residents of camps Ashraf and Liberty and will continue to join the call for doing so.”

And Baroness Turner of Camden said: “It is the time that our government tells the government of Iraq that the atrocities must stop and the residents must be returned to Ashraf, because they are clearly not been looked after in Liberty.”

The speakers urged the UK government to adopt a ‘principled policy’ on Iran, to launch a dialogue with the National Council of Resistance of Iran, and to support the Iranian women’s struggle for a free, secular and democratic Iran.

The panellists included: Lady Val Corbett, Lady Odile Slynn, Baroness Turner of Camden, Baroness Lister of Burtersett, Dr. Dimitrina Petrova, founding Executive Director of the Equal Rights Trust, Linda Lee, former President of the Law Society of England and Wales, Reverend Ingrid Munro of the Diocese of Derby, and a representative of the National Council of Resistance of Iran.


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