British MEP: UN must now investigate massacre Iranian MEK in Camp Ashraf

A British MEP has expressed her disappointment that a year after Camp Ashraf massacre, the UN has still not conducted any investigation that could bring those involved to justice.

Julie Ward also told a conference in Paris on September 1 that the Iranian Resistance under the leadership of Maryam Rajavi was the best hope for establishing a fair and democratic society in Iran.

Speaking on the first anniversary of the Ashraf massacre, she said: “Today everyone admits that it was Maliki’s adherence to the mullahs in Iran and his repressive sectarian policies that marginalised the Sunni population and the Kurds, and is now tearing Iraq apart paving the way for the rise of ISIS.

“One would hope that we in the West would have learned by now what serious consequences might be unleashed if we co-operate with the mullahs in Iran to confront ISIS in Iraq. Iran is clearly part of the problem and any cooperation with them in Iraq should therefore be a red line.”

She added: “There were 12 women among the victims of the September 1 massacre. Six who were murdered and 6 who were taken hostage.

“Last month I was in Geneva and spoke at a conference in the UN Headquarters on this issue. I see these brave and committed women leaders as offering inspirational examples about how we can obtain freedom and democracy for Iran, and in the process also offering hope for the rest of the Middle East.

“There are now 800 other like-minded brave women in Camp Liberty. At the height of the rise of Islamic Fundamentalists, we see in the PMOI (the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran – MEK) an anti-fundamentalism Muslim movement with women at the helm.

“They are a democratic and dedicated group fighting for gender equality, separation of religion and state, human rights and free elections. They truly advocate a modern tolerant and democratic Islam that seeks peace and stability in the region.

“So I believe the Iranian people in their quest for freedom, have created a great model for the future hopes of the people of that region.”

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