Belgian Iran committee condemns Iraqi suppression of Ashraf residents

Around midnight on April 16, 2010, the Iraqi forces attacked residents of Camp Ashraf, home to 3,400 members of Iran’s main opposition, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).  Threatening to occupy a number of buildings by force, they used electric batons, daggers and iron bars in beating up the residents, wounding five. They also tried to abduct a female resident but were thwarted when she resisted.Text of Statement by Belgian Committee of Parliamentarians for a Democratic Iran: 

Press Release – for immediate release – 2010-04-21
Belgian Committee of Parliamentarians for a democratic Iran strongly condemns the new suppression of Ashraf residents by the Iraqi government

We were informed of a new attack by Iraqi government on 15 April and also more suppressive measures against Ashraf residents in the past few days. On Thursday evening, Iraqi forces attacked Ashraf residents and tried to overtake some of installations inside the camp. The Iraqi forces started attacking the residents with electric batons and iron bars. Five Ashraf residents were wounded in the attack. They were taken to hospital for treatment. The Iraqi suppressive forces also attacked a woman resident of Ashraf in a bid to take her hostage, but failed when faced with her resistance and protests by other residents.

The assault took place in support of the agents of the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) and the terrorist Quds Force posing as families of Ashraf residents stationed at the entrance of Ashraf for the past 70 days.
With mobile and fixed cameras, the agents, who are backed by the Iraqi forces, have been filming and taking photos from people and premises inside Ashraf. The films and photos are attached with reports by the agents and sent to Quds force and MOIS via the Iranian regime’s embassy in Baghdad.

We warn against such repressive measures by the Iranian regime and the Iraqi government and call on the United Nations, the U.S. embassy and the American forces in Iraq to take necessary steps to end the violations of the rights of Ashraf residents. We strongly demand the United Nations to assume protection of Ashraf residents and call on the US forces to guarantee the protection as it had committed itself to at the time when it disarmed the residents.

Dirk Claes, Senator

Belgian Committee of Parliamentarians for a Democratic Iran
Chairman:  Dirk Claes, Senator (CD&V)

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