Austrian FM responds to questions about Camp Ashraf

NCRI – In response to the Association in Support of People Under Threat regarding the April 8 attacks on Camp Ashraf, Iraq, the Foreign Ministry of Austria sent the following letter this week:

The attack against Ashraf, destruction of facilities and the use of violence by Iraqi security forces are all a cause of concern for the Austrian Foreign Ministry. Austria has asked for the clarification of the situation as well as explanations about everything that has occurred.


In accordance with the attached document, the European Union, through its highest ranking official in foreign and security matters, Catherine Ashton, has called on the Iraqi government to allow international independent inspectors to visit Ashraf.

In this regard, we are following up with the Iraqi government to get answers. In cooperation with other countries and our allies in the European Union, we support the efforts of the United Nations and are trying to find a solution.

Respect for human rights in Iraq is a high priority for us and we want those who violated human rights to be held accountable.

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