Australian rights group urges FM to condemn siege on Ashraf

NCRI – The International Society for Human Rights has written a letter to Australia’s foreign minister calling on him to condemn the Iraqi government’s unjust siege on Camp Ashraf, where 3,400 members of the main opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) reside, and to help bring an end to it.

The human right group’s vice president David Atkin wrote a letter to Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd, saying, “As a human rights group, we are worried about the Iraqi government abusing and violating the rights of Camp Ashraf residents in Iraq.”

The letter added, “We support calls by human rights groups across the world for the protection of Camp Ashraf residents.”

“We expect the Australian government to review the situation and to call on the Iraqi government to respect its responsibilities with respect to the protection of Camp Ashraf residents,” it said.

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