Ashraf residents’ property is their right, Kobler’s position suspicious .. Iraqi MP

Iraqiya slate member Taha Al-Luhaibi expressed his surprise over UNAMI chief Martin Kobler’s position in the case of Camp Ashraf, NINA news agency reported.
“It is necessary for Mr. Kobler’s positions, as the representative of the world’s largest international organization, be in line with international conventions and laws,” Al-Luhaibi said in a statement. “Kobler has breached his promises to Liberty residents on the selling of their property in Camp Ashraf,” he adds.

“Everyone knows these residents are political refugees which various international organizations and major governments, including the European Union, have recognized their legal status,” the statement reads, adding the residents’ property are of their ownership and in contrast to claims made by the Iraqi government, there is no logical reason or document proving Baghdad’s ownership over these assets.
“We are surprised and very suspicious of Martin Kobler’s position , especially in his recent report presented to the UN Security Council being full of lies. We have never heard Kobler defend Camp Ashraf’s victims that were killed at the hands of Iraqi government forces in the past, or any testimony provided on the humanitarian conditions of Camp Liberty residents’ lives and the violations in food stuffs, medicine and other fundamental basics not being provided, the status of patients and lack of medical services for the residents,” he continues.
Al-Luhabi called on all legal and humanitarian organizations and human rights entities to “support Camp Liberty residents to have this camp recognized as a refugee camp so the residents’ basic human rights and protection against any attack is provided for.”

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