Archbishop of Wales calls for replacement of Martin Kobler, UN Rep in Iraq

In a strongly-worded letter to British foreign secretary William Hague, Dr Barry Morgan attacked Mr Kobler for refusing to visit the scene what he called a ‘great crime against humanity’.

And he urged Mr Hague to publicly condemn the slaughter of innocent refugees at the next UN Security Council meeting.

Dr Morgan wrote: “In the early morning of Saturday, February 9, Camp Liberty which houses 3,100 Iranian dissidents including 1,000 women was attacked by at least 40 missiles and heavy mortars.

“Six people including a woman were killed and more than 100 wounded in this brutal attack.  Some of the injured are in a critical condition.

“Unfortunatley Martin Kobler, Chief of the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq, has played a destructive role in all of this.  The representatives of the residents in Liberty and their lawyers repeatedly warned Martin Kobler about the vulnerability of Camp Liberty to attacks, the inhumance conditions under which the residents lived and the serious threats to their well-being from or at the behest of the Iranian regime.”

“Camp representatives insisted that Kobler should come and see for himself and witness for himself the results of this great crime against humanity committed against the camp residents which he had prepared the ground for and facilitated.”

But Kobler refused to go citing ‘vague security reasons’, Dr Morgan said.

Mr Hague should now raise the matter with the UN Security Council to ensure the residents are given humanitarian aid and returned to Campp Ashraf, the Archbishop demanded.

He added: “I hope the British government will call on the UN to assign a new neutral representative to replace Martin Kobler.”

To read more about the attack, please click here:

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