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Archbishop of Prague highlights concerns for Camp Ashraf residents

Cardinal Miloslav Vlk, Archbishop of Prague"Ashraf residents were recognised in 2004 as 'protected persons' under the 4th Geneva Convention by the US-led force. The 'principle of non-refoulement' prohibits their forced displacement inside Iraq. The US and Iraqi governments have a duty to ensure that the residents are properly protected under international law and their human rights are not violated."

Cardinal Miloslav Vlk, Archbishop of PragueText of Statement by the Archbishop of Prague: 


The Archbishop of Prague today issued a statement highlighting his concerns for the residents of Camp Ashraf in Iraq.

Iraqi armed forces in late July attacked the civilian population in the refugee camp, killing 11, injuring 500, and detaining 36. It is clear that important humanitarian and pastoral issues are at stake which require urgent attention by the international community.

Iraqi forces continue to prevent the residents' relatives, lawyers, doctors and journalists and fuel trucks from entering. The continuing situation in Camp Ashraf constitutes a humanitarian and human rights issue of real magnitude and urgency.

Ashraf residents were recognised in 2004 as "protected persons" under the 4th Geneva Convention by the US-led force. The "principle of non-refoulement" prohibits their forced displacement inside Iraq. The US and Iraqi governments have a duty to ensure that the residents are properly protected under international law and their human rights are not violated. UN Security Council resolution 1883, adopted in August 2009, gives the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq a mandate and responsibility for the case of Ashraf.

I am in contact with the higher representatives of the Catholic Church and the government of the Czech Republic to urge that the current situation be remedied urgently. A very significant and necessary step towards the long-term protection of the residents will be the establishing of a UN monitoring team in the camp.

Meanwhile I hope that all concerned will listen to what those across the world who are deeply anxious about the human rights violations against Ashraf residents are saying, and respond as a matter of urgency.

Prague 8th October 2009
Cardinal Miloslav Vlk
Archbishop of Prague