Arab parliamentarians call on Ban Ki-moon to return Camp Liberty residents to Ashraf

NCRI – Tens of parliamentarians from several Arabic countries condemned the February 9 rocket attack to Camp Liberty and called on the United Nations’ Secretary General to return the camp’s residents to Ashraf as an immediate step to ensure their safety and security.

Camp Liberty, near Baghdad is housing members of Iranian opposition group the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) who were forcibly evicted from their 26 years home in Ashraf.

The parliamentarians blamed the Iranian regime and the Government of Iraq for the deadly attack which killed 8 resident and injured 100.

In their joint statement to UNSG Ban Ki-moon said attack against such small area in the heart of a military zone undoubtedly could not take place without the full cooperation of Government of Iraq.

The signatories reiterated that if the relocation of the Iranian refugees to third countries is not possible in short time, the only solution to prevent another human catastrophe is to urgently return the residents from Liberty to Ashraf. Its area is much larger and consists of strong buildings and concrete shelters and to protect residents against terrorist attacks.

The forty parliamentarians from Arab countries called on Ban Ki-moon to take action in this regard and return the residents to Ashraf.

The parliamentarians also demanded UNHCR to recognize Liberty residents’ group refugee status and acknowledged UN is responsible for the outcome of any other human catastrophe, providing that the refugees remain in the camp where they face massacre from the Iranian regime and its Iraqi mercenaries.

They also demanded the Security Council and other International organizations to force the Iraqi Government to open the doors of Camp Liberty to lawyers, reporters, parliamentarian delegations and political personalities from US, Europe and Arabic countries whom are demanding to visit Camp Liberty in order to learn about the condition of the camp and to see the threats imposed on the defenseless refugees.

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