Arab delegation calls for transfer of Ashraf protection to the UN

NCRI – The Arab Delegation defending Ashraf has issued a statement calling for the protection of Camp Ashraf in Iraq to be handed over to the United Nations.

While reminding of the numerous plots, threats and pressures imposed by the Nouri Maliki-led Iraqi government against the residents of Ashraf, the delegation said it will do its utmost to open cases in various international tribunals against those in the Iraqi government carrying out and responsible for the crimes against the camp, where 3,400 members of the main Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) reside.

It also highlighted the death of Mehdi Fathi, a cancer patient, who recently died in Ashraf after suffering from medical restrictions imposed by the Iraqi government, as well as the camping of the Iranian regime’s agents at Ashraf’s southern gate.

The Arab delegation in defense of Ashraf said it “strongly believes that the Iraqi government does not have the will nor the competence to protect Ashraf and this urgent and critical responsibility must be immediately transferred to US and UN forces instead.”

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