Arab committee condemns attack on Camp Ashraf

NCRI – The Arab-Islamic Committee in Defense of Ashraf has vociferously denounced the latest attack on Camp Ashraf, Iraq, where 3,400 members of the main Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) reside.

The committee, which is chaired by Algeria’s former Prime Minister, Sid Ahmad Ghozali, condemned the January 7 attack by the Iranian regime’s agents and stressed that the situation no longer allows for any delays on the part of the international community.


The Arab-Islamic Committee in Defense of Ashraf said in a statement released on Monday that, “This criminal attack occurred after a visit by the mullahs’ Foreign Minister to Iraq. He relayed his regime’s insistence to Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, that Ashraf should be annihilated.”

“The assault, as the ruling by the national Spanish court stated, constitutes crimes against the international community and raises the imperative of prosecuting and punishing those responsible for crimes committed over the past two years against the residents of Ashraf as protected persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention by the Iraqi forces commanded by Maliki.”

The statement added, “Iraqi forces have prevented the treatment of the injured and forcibly expelled them from the hospital. This makes imperative the immediate intervention of American forces for providing an opportunity to treat the injured and ensure their hospitalization.”

The committee also said, “A criminal siege has been ongoing for the past two years. 180 loudspeakers are used to carry out a psychological torture against the residents. These loudspeakers blare threats and insults against the residents. There are also planned assaults by Iraqi security forces under Maliki’s command at the behest of the mullahs’ regime.”

The committee said, “This committee deems as imperative immediate measures to end the psychological torture of the residents and dismantling the instruments of torture, namely 180 loudspeakers. It reiterates the need for the resumption of the responsibility to protect the residents of Ashraf by American forces on the basis of an agreement signed with every single resident as well as the presence of a permanent UN monitoring team in the camp.”

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