Appeal for the protection of opponents in Camp Ashraf, Iraq

Reuters  – Elected representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on Thursday launched an appeal to the international community to protect refugee Iranian dissidents in Camp Ashraf in Iraq.

The Iraqi army stormed the camp on April 8, killing at least ten according to sources in Baghdad and 34 according to the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI). The PMOI are opponents of the Iranian regime and 3,500 refugees are in the camp. 300 have been wounded.


The 103 parliamentarians from all political groups in the assembly and other countries insist “that the United Nations, the United States and the European Union should act immediately to stop the killing and ensure the withdrawal of Iraqi troops from Camp Ashraf.”

The U.S. military transferred control of Camp Ashraf in Iraq in 2009 under a bilateral security agreement.

Tehran, Baghdad and Washington consider the PMOI as a terrorist movement, unlike the European Union which has removed the organization from its blacklist.

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