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HomeIran News NowCamp Ashraf / Liberty NewsAl-Maliki may be prosecuted based on the content of his letters after...

Al-Maliki may be prosecuted based on the content of his letters after April 8th attack on Ashraf

The Institute for Arab Studies and Research announced that: Iraqi media published the news of exchange of letters between Nouri al-Maliki, Iraqi Prime Minister, and Dr. Ayad Allawi, the leadedr of the al-Iraqia coalition. We declare that the contents of these letters, subsequent to the April 8, 2011 attack, are shocking and can be cause for legal pursuit.


The first question is that doesn’t al-Maliki, the prime minister of the “government of law” know that according to section 5 of title 19 of the constitution, “the accused is innocent unless their guilt is proven in a fair and legal court.” In which court has it been proven that Mojahedin had a hand in Iraqis’ blood? In which court has it been proven that Mojahedin constantly created a gap in Iraq’s sovereignty? And which court ordered that 35 of them must be killed and 345 of them be wounded?

It is completely clear from al-Maliki’s words that:

-Why was it that right after the April 8th attack, the branch of the Intelligence Ministry of the brutal regime of Iran carried out those preposterous shows and built an 8-meter tower, with the help of the Iraqi Army, along with 60 more powerful loudspeakers for psychological torture of the Ashraf residents?

-Why Humvees knocked over 22 unarmed residents and run them over?

-Why at the order of the Office of the Prime Minister, Camp Ashraf residents have been for more than 30 months under an anti-human siege?

-Why has there been a medical and pharmaceutical blocade imposed on these 3400 people and their wounded are being tortured to death?

-Why for 35 days the bodies of these 35 Muslim martyrs have not yet been burried and the Iraqi forces do not allow them to be burried in the occupied cemetery?

-Why Ashraf residents cannot meet with their own lawyers?

-Why the European Parliamentarians are not allowed to visit Camp Ashraf?

These and hundreds of other questions must be answered.