Al-Alian condemns siege on Ashraf

Khaf Al-AlianNCRI – A Senior Iraqi politician denounced severe restrictions on Camp Ashraf on Tuesday. The camp is home to about 3,400 members of the main Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

Sheikh Khalaf al-Alian, General Secretary of the National Dialogue Council, told Malaf news agency in an interview, “The residents of Ashraf are the Iraqi people’s guests and must not be subjected to a siege. They should not be deprived of access to basic necessities and medicine.”

Mr. al-Alian underscored his full support for Ashraf residents against pressures imposed on them and added, “There are some in the Iraqi government who are exploiting the current situation and are doing the Iranian regime’s bidding by implementing their designs against Ashraf.”

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