Afghan MPs, officials and dignitaries call for recognition of Liberty as refugee camp

Fifteen Afghan MPs, numerous government officials and dignitaries, along with civil and human rights organizations in this country signed a joint statement calling for the recognition of Camp Liberty as a refugee camp under the supervision of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees and demanded the prevention of Ashraf residents’ property being stolen and plundered by the Iraqi government.
The signatories of this statement announced:

– Emphasizing the Iraqi government’s responsibility in guaranteeing Ashraf residents’ security and wellbeing, and the international community’s concern on respecting the rights of Ashraf residents, who have lived in Iraq for over 25 years and have been forced out of their homes in an inhumane manner,
– Reiterating the fact, “Camp Liberty is under siege – at Iran’s behest – of Iraqi security forces, and the presence of armored forces and armed police are reminders of the July 2009 and April 2011 attacks against Ashraf which left 47 killed and hundreds injured, and also threatens the lives of hundreds of Muslims,”
– Stressing “Removal of the PMOI from the US terrorist list leaves no excuses to place obstructions and cause delays in recognizing Ashraf and Liberty residents’ fundamental rights, and the time has come to lift the 4-year long inhumane siege on these residents,”
– Demand the following:
1. Prevent the violation of Ashraf residents’ legal ownership rights over their moveable and immovable property by the Iraqi government, for the residents to be allowed to transfer their moveable property and assets to Liberty to provide for their needs, and to properly sell any asset they cannot transfer.
2. Recognition of Camp Liberty as a refugee camp by the UNHCR for the residents to enjoy international protection against criminal measures by Iran and its elements in Iraq.
3. The right to access and meet with lawyers, dignitaries and Liberty residents’ family members, and their freedom of movement outside the camp as announced by the UNHCR.

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