Tuesday, July 16, 2024
HomeIran News NowCamp Ashraf / Liberty NewsShort video: Camp Liberty resident’s torment due to medical siege

Short video: Camp Liberty resident’s torment due to medical siege

NCRI – Watch a short video report about the passing away of Mohammad Hadi Taali, a member of Iran’s principle opposition group, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, PMOI (Mujahedin-e Khalq, MEK).

While at Camp Liberty, in Iraq, Mr. Taali was diagnosed with lung cancer, and doctors in Baghdad advised that he be transferred to Europe or the Iraqi city of Erbil for treatment. But the Iraqi government at the time prevented his temporary transfer to Erbil, and his condition deteriorated due to delays in his treatment caused by the Iraqi government’s inhumane medical blockade on Camp Liberty.

Iraq: the 26th martyr of medical siege in Camp Liberty

After his transfer to Albania, Mr. Taali was immediately placed under medical treatment, but because of the progress of his cancer caused by the delays in his treatment, physicians’ efforts proved in vain and he passed away on Saturday, August 8 after 40 years of struggle against the two dictatorships of the Shah and the mullahs.

PMOI (MEK) member Mr. Taali was born in March 1955. He supported the PMOI since the 1970s which resulted in his arrest by the SAVAK, the Shah’s secret police. In later years, he was expelled from the factory where he worked because of his support for the PMOI. During the anti-monarchial revolution he was among the vanguards of strikes and labor struggles in Qazvin.

Watch the short video report in English about Mr. Taali’s struggle against the medical blockade on Camp Liberty, including his personal account of being denied medical treatment:

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PMOI member passes away in Albania. He is the 26th martyr of medical blockade